PHSystems AG
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CH - 6004 Luzern

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As the global population grows, the rural areas are emptying and the mega cities spring up, usually as unregulated districts circling an older, more organised core. This gives rise to lack of adequate accommodation in such mega cities. The deficient housing is bound to affect negatively the health of those who are in such circumstances the underprivileged, compromising the most basic needs of clean water, sanitation, safe food preparation and storage. Such a situation allows a rapid spread of communicable and food borne diseases. Other problems such as poor temperature and humidity regulation can lead to respiratory diseases.
In areas where the collection of garbage is not known could be regarded as recipe for spread of infectious diseases that could later become endemic in the region.
Overcrowding brings both physical and psychological hazards leading to crimes, psychiatric cases, etc..

Living in non residential settings such as factory grounds often exposes people to toxic chemicals that can cause acute and chronic health effects. The children who grow up in such environments could hardly be described as having bright future.

According to the UN- Habitat settlement Programme ( UN-HABITAT) 600 million urban residents and 1 billion rural dwellers in developing countries live in overcrowded housing with poor water quality, lack of sanitation and no garbage collection.

To look into the problem of global housing deficit, we have to understand the world population growth and its attendance consequences.